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Enhancing School Security and Improving Student Accountability with SmartPass at Simmons Middle School

Discover how Ridgeland School District 122 in Oak Lawn, IL, leveraged SmartPass to enhance school security, reduce hallway congestion, and improve student accountability at Simmons Middle School.

Simmons Middle School
Oak Lawn, IL
Using SmartPass Since 2022-23
Using SmartPass For

Hallway Monitoring, Improved Bathroom Usage, Student Accountability, Data Tracking

Ryan McHugh
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Student accountability.

Hallway congestion.

Efficient use of class time.

Do these challenges sound familiar?

The answer for Simmons Middle School in Ridgeland School District 122 was a resounding "yes!"

Simmons MS needed an easy-to-use and effective solution to monitor student movements, discourage students from unnecessary hallway loitering, and promote a more secure learning environment.


The implementation of SmartPass at Simmons MS brought about significant improvements in school security and student accountability.

With SmartPass, teachers find that students are more likely to remain in the classroom, reducing the time spent in hallways and increasing instructional time.

When students do leave the classroom, SmartPass' comprehensive data about student movement patterns provides the administration team with a clear and concise information about campus hot spots and specific groups of students—especially high flyers— all in one centralized location. This central data source improves the school's overall efficiency and provides valuable insights for student management.

"Our staff has felt that SmartPass has helped them keep kids in the classroom longer and less time spent out of classes in the hallways. With SmartPass, we can keep track of that and everything is connected in a One-Stop way where we can pull data and use that data to keep tabs on certain kids in certain groups as well."

- Ryan McHugh, School Security Director, Ridgeland School District 122

Smart Moves

Since implementing SmartPass, Simmons Middle School witnessed a remarkable improvement in school security, student accountability, and classroom engagement. And, the reduction in hallway congestion created a more efficient and secure learning environment for all students.

Students recognize that SmartPass discourages unnecessary loitering in hallways, promoting feelings of safety in the hallways. Bathrooms transformed from gathering spaces into functional ones, allowing students to quickly attend to their needs and return promptly to class.


Overall, the partnership between SmartPass and Simmons Middle School is a fantastic addition to school security efforts. The platform's effectiveness in reducing hallway congestion and improving student accountability has made a significant positive impact on the school community.

Moving forward, Ridgeland School District 122 will continue to leverage the benefits of SmartPass to enhance school security, improve student accountability, and foster a productive learning environment. The district expresses its gratitude to SmartPass for its contribution to student safety and overall school success.

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