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St. Mary Catholic Middle School Empowers Student Mobility with SmartPass Future Pass Feature

Discover how St. Mary Catholic Middle School in Neenah, WI, maximizes student autonomy and reduces class interruptions through the innovative SmartPass Future Pass feature.

St. Mary Catholic Middle School
Neenah, WI
Using SmartPass Since 2022-23
Using SmartPass For

Future Pass for Advanced Student Passes, Enhancing Discretion, Streamlining Communication

Andy Dahlberg
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St. Mary Catholic Middle School faced the challenge of minimizing class disruptions when students needed to leave the classroom for various activities. Interrupting class to grant passes for band lessons, choir lessons, counseling sessions, or meetings with the Dean of Students, Andy Dahlberg, caused disruptions to the learning environment. The school sought a solution to provide students with advance passes discreetly while reducing interruptions and maintaining smooth classroom flow.


With SmartPass, St. Mary Catholic Middle School found the perfect solution to empower student mobility while minimizing class interruptions. SmartPass' Future Pass feature allowed Dahlberg and other faculty members to provide passes to students in advance, whether it was for the current day, the next day, or even further in advance. This discreet approach eliminated the need for disruptive interruptions during class time.

Now, band lessons, choir lessons, and counseling sessions could be seamlessly coordinated without affecting classroom dynamics. Students receive discreet notifications of upcoming passes, ensuring they are aware of their future engagements and enabling them to transition smoothly between classes and activities.

"My favorite feature of SmartPass is the Future Pass, being able to give a pass to a student days, minutes, hours in advance so that I don't have to interrupt class to get them to come see me. It's been a great feature for us."

- Andy Dahlberg, Dean of Students, St. Mary Catholic Middle School


The implementation of SmartPass and the utilization of the Future Pass feature brought about significant results for St. Mary Catholic Middle School. Dahlberg, faculty members, and students greatly benefited from this innovative tool. As students were granted passes in advance, class disruptions dramatically decreased, allowing students to seamlessly attend their scheduled activities without interrupting the flow of instruction.

Future Passes not only enhanced discretion and student autonomy but also streamlined communication across the school. Faculty members, including band instructors, choir directors, and counselors, leveraged SmartPass to coordinate appointments and lessons more efficiently. The entire school community embraced Future Passes as a valuable tool for maintaining a smooth and uninterrupted learning environment.

St. Mary Catholic Middle School continues to use SmartPass and Future Passes to optimize student mobility, enhance faculty communication, and foster a more efficient and focused educational experience. The Future Pass feature has become an integral part of the school's daily operations, enabling Dahlberg and faculty members to provide advanced passes discreetly while maintaining a seamless flow of instruction throughout the school day.

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