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Marmion Academy Streamlines Student ID Management with SmartPass

Explore how Marmion Academy, an all-boys Catholic school in Aurora, IL, successfully transitioned from physical IDs to digital IDs using SmartPass. Discover the challenges they faced, the solutions implemented, and the remarkable results achieved.

Marmion Academy
Aurora, IL
Using SmartPass Since 2022-23
Using SmartPass For

Digital Student ID Management, Attendance Tracking, Safety Information Inclusion

Justin Dimitri
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Marmion Academy encountered various challenges with their traditional physical ID system. Students frequently lost or forgot their IDs, leading to administrative issues and the potential for lunch account misuse. The upfront cost of providing new physical IDs annually, along with associated printer expenses and repairs, posed financial burdens. Furthermore, the reliance on physical IDs consumed valuable staff time for printing, supply ordering, and maintenance.


Recognizing the benefits of digital IDs, Justin Dimitri, Director of Student Affairs at Marmion Academy, made the switch to SmartPass.

Leveraging the prevalence of smartphones and iPads among students, the school embraced the use of digital IDs through SmartPass. This ensured that every student had their ID readily accessible at all times, eliminating the risk of loss or forgetfulness (because students aren't forgetting that phone!).

Safety information, including crisis hotline numbers, was conveniently included on the digital IDs, fulfilling the state's requirements and equipping everyone with important safety tools.

The transition to digital IDs not only resulted in significant cost savings but also offered customization options for color, graphics, and additional information. Marmion Academy appreciated the responsiveness and support from the SmartPass team throughout the implementation process. They were receptive to suggestions and actively worked to address the school's unique needs, providing a valuable partnership.


The adoption of SmartPass and digital IDs brought about remarkable results for Marmion Academy. The school experienced tremendous cost savings, eliminating the need for annual physical ID replacements and reducing expenses associated with printers and supplies. Staff members were able to redirect their time from ID-related tasks to more productive activities.

By leveraging the convenience of smartphones and iPads, every student had their digital ID readily available, ensuring compliance with ID requirements and streamlining attendance tracking. The inclusion of safety information on the digital IDs further enhanced student well-being.

"We've been working with SmartPass for about four years now, and we are extremely satisfied with everything they've come to us with. The prompt customer service, technical support, and their receptiveness to our ideas have been tremendous."

- Justin Dimitri, Director of Student Affairs, Marmion Academy

Justin Dimitri and Marmion Academy are thrilled with the partnership with SmartPass and the successful transition to digital IDs. The school continues to benefit from the time-saving features, cost efficiencies, and customization options offered by SmartPass. This transformation has enhanced student ID management, improved administrative processes, and solidified the school's commitment to embracing innovative solutions for the benefit of their students and staff.

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