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Switching from Google Forms: Streamlining Student Management with SmartPass at Dominion Middle School

Explore how Dominion Middle School in the Columbus City School District leveraged the power of SmartPass to improve communication, streamline student management, and simplify data organization for teachers.

Dominion Middle School
Columbus, OH
Using SmartPass Since 2022-23
Using SmartPass For

Communication between staff members, Organized student management, Real-time data monitoring

Emily Whittaker
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Dominion Middle School faced challenges in effectively communicating and managing student movements within the school. The use of Google Forms for tracking student whereabouts proved to be confusing and lacked real-time data. Additionally, teachers faced interruptions when issuing passes, impacting instructional time.


SmartPass provided Dominion Middle School with an efficient solution to address communication and student management challenges. SmartPass creates seamless communication between staff members, allowing them to stay informed about students' activities in the hallways. The platform also provides simplified data management, replacing the previous cumbersome Google Forms system.

Because all students have Chromebooks, SmartPass encourages students to take responsibility for requesting their passes, relieving teachers of administrative burdens and fostering a more organized and efficient learning environment.

"It has helped us keep track of student comings and goings using real data, unlike the confusing process we had with the previous Google Forms system. Plus, since all the students have a Chromebook, it also takes something off of the teacher."

- Emily Whittaker, Middle School Drama Teacher, Dominion Middle School

Smart Moves

SmartPass' Encounter Prevention feature allows school staff to set specific pass restrictions ensuring that certain students can not be out of the classroom simultaneously. This greatly enhanced student behavior management and provided teachers and administrators with real-time data about student movement patterns and hot spots on campus.


The implementation of SmartPass at Dominion Middle School yielded significant results in communication, student management, and data organization.


The platform facilitated efficient communication among staff members, providing real-time information about student movements in the hallways. Teachers could access accurate data and track students' whereabouts, enhancing overall management and security.

Student Management

SmartPass' platform works on any device. Dominion students use SmartPass on their school-issued Chromebooks, enabling them to take ownership of their movement on campus. In doing so, they are developing personal responsibility for their own time management and reducing interruptions and administrative tasks for teachers. Teachers can now focus more on teaching and learning, resulting in improved instructional time and student engagement.

Data Organization

The streamlined data organization offered by SmartPass replaced the previous confusing system, simplifying record-keeping and improving efficiency for teachers. Real-time data tracking empowers administrators to take proactive measures that mitigate problematic student behaviors. All of this leading to a more controlled and structured learning environment.

Dominion Middle School expresses gratitude for the positive impact SmartPass has had on communication, student management, and teacher workload. The platform's user-friendly interface and real-time data tracking have made a significant difference in daily operations, fostering a more organized and efficient educational environment.

Moving forward, Dominion will continue to capitalize on the benefits of SmartPass' enhanced communication and streamlined student management. The school community looks forward to further advancements and the continued partnership with SmartPass in their pursuit of excellence in education.

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