Send us the cool ways you’re using SmartPass at your school — and win big.
See the winners
How do I enter the contest?
Share a process your school has set up with SmartPass (ex. Students visiting the library, Advisory period, calling students down to the office…)
What's the prize?
We’ll announce 10 (ten) winners in late November, and each person will receive an exclusive SmartPass-branded YETI® Rambler Mug.
How do I win?
We’ve been so impressed by the creative, unique processes schools have implemented using SmartPass.

The best submissions will clearly explain how you’ve set up a certain process at your school (ex. how your attendance office uses SmartPass for tardy passes), indicating step-by-step. Some ideas to get you started:
- What is the coolest or best part of your room configuration?
- How do you use the hall pass data in your process?

Remember — you might not “feel” like your solution is creative, but to another school it might be!
Can I submit more than once?
Yes! You can submit as many times as you want.
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